Tag Archives: Treasurer

Notes from the Treasurer’s Chest

Staying sisterly when money is involved

As a treasurer, I can give you some helpful hints on conducting yourself in a sisterly manner. I know a lot of frustration can come up in this position; many people may get frustrated about paying, but the treasurer is also susceptible to becoming very frustrated. However, this is one position where it is crucial to remember “Tolerance, tempered with kindness and the consideration for the needs of others”.

The known operative of every treasurer is to collect dues, fees, and fines. Sometimes, that pegs the treasurer as a “bad person”.  However, as sisters, we have to remember our 8 to 5, and realize that the treasurer is upholding their Oath of Office they took when they stepped into that position. As a college student, money is a big deal. However, instead of whining, complaining, and getting on your chapter’s nerves, you could easily spend that time and energy in a positive manner. Try talking to your chapter treasurer, maybe even with the president and/or sponsor, to figure out ways to make payment easier. Sometimes it is as easy as coming to an agreement, like a payment plan. That way, all sisters involved get what they need, and are in good standing with the Sorority.

Sometimes a treasurer is easily frazzled by all that is going on within their chapter. Perhaps a lot of sisters are being stubborn with paying money owed. I understand how easy it is to get angry, and rage all over the situation. However, this is a prime opportunity to build skills that you can easily use in the future if you wish to progress your leadership in Tau Beta Sigma. If you are professional and understanding on the situation, approach the sister in question, and offer them help with payment. If need be, ask an unbiased sister to sit in on the conversation as a witness, so no fingers can be pointed in the future. This will easily help you achieve your constitutional goal as treasurer, but also save you from being seen as an enemy.

Always remember that in Sisterhood, we join together “For Greater Bands”. If we set aside differences, and work together, we can overcome both the easy and hard obstacles, and promote ourselves, our school, and our band in a positive light.

Burning a hole in your pocket 

There are plenty of instances where chapters feel like they have excess funds that are just sitting stagnant. Just because the money is there, doesn’t mean you need to use it; it is not going to burn a hole in your pockets. However, it is smart to think of reasons how to use this money, but the issue is, are you using the money for the right reasons?

Whenever the phrase “what can the band use?” is being uttered, your chapter is on the right track. It is very easy to get greedy with the money that builds up in the chapter bank account. However, Tau Beta Sigma is an organization for our institutions’ band programs. A lot of schools have used that money to help commission a piece of work, bring in a guest clinician, or even sponsor a scholarship that their School of Music may award out annually. I mention these specifically because it is very easy for us to get caught up in only wanting to help out the Marching Band, but we are more than a marching band sorority; we are The Band Sorority. This mean indoor bands too, and that will mean even more to your School of Music’s administration and your Director of Bands.

Now, this doesn’t mean that a chapter cannot use its own funds for the Sisterhood, but that moderation is the key. Perhaps, match it 50/50: a donation to the Music Department, a holiday party for TBS. It’s really easy to make sure everyone wins from our hard work, especially those we strive to support.


Salvatore Parillo

Tau Beta Sigma – Zeta Psi

University of Central Florida

2012-2014 SED Treasurer

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